house of horrors
ham headed admen
death faced women
immoral mates
self crowned
in the kingdom of lies
a house with no commons
no more idiot honesty
no more poor people
we are the aristocratic
information artists!
poetic and playful
Pyrrhic entertainment
neo bouncy westminster
niche palace behaviour
in the kingdom of lies
why bother to learn
about the foundations
that drain away your poop
when there's precious pomp
why know how electric works
when you can pay a primate
to cover your ignorance up
maybe write a new
history book
about you
and your mates?
yes thats more fun!
then colour it all in
like a cartoon
build on that
candy floss base
then add totally sick
death trap cladding
over the dogshit
look be amazed
its the kingdom of lies!
a hologram of hope
hip hop tv happiness
not expensive reality
that would be stupid!
so ignore
the economists and experts
ignore the remains of
the woke worry faced
dont invite hungry babies
to your play acting parties
or bad taste poor people
who need to try harder
to be as unreal as this
here on the top rung
like a cleb
in a bubble
in Dubai
in the kingdom of lies
landlords and hedge funders
wave coocheecoo
as they bet against you
its ok
because youre not there
youre in the zoo
rosettes and flags
and sporting gags
at the crack of dawn
we're typing your food
in the kingdom of lies
please be assured
were definitely not
deceitful at all
we couldnt possibly be
milking you?
killing whats true?
denying you democracy
turning your view
into nonsensical
but thing is
dear billionaire beings
when yr bullshit becomes true
when red becomes blue
and solids are made into gas
you are making the law an ass
and in this neo chaos
in the kingdom of lies
all your bling things
will belong to us
dear colourful
liar kings
biddies walking slowly
biddies standing still
biddies falling over
on a small hill
biddies by the bus stop
biddies by the sea
biddies clogging up
the queues at a and e
biddies on a train
biddies on a plane
biddies wearing nappies
blocking up the drain
biddies in a big house
biddies driving cars
biddies staring blankly
planning trips to mars
biddies talking nonsense
biddies eating cake
biddies in a hotel
another well earned break
biddies voting tory
biddies thick as shit
biddies acting snooty
in their tennis kit
biddies getting pensions
biddies buying meat
biddies busy tutting
at the homeless in the street
biddies saying organic
biddies saying green
biddies need to wake up
from their little dream
ive got a secret tomato!
and nobody knows that it's there!
is it under the table?
or is it under the chair?
is it up my arsehole??
i dont really care!
ive got a secret tomato!
and nobody knows that its there!
ready meals?
fodder trolls
meatball boys
sausage rolled
into fitted sheets
by heavy women
bold brassy
big boob
obedient babies
sleep well
egg soldiers
no more
fly pies
udder soft
beef and lamb
stuck together
with fat and jam
coalece in hills
limestone gnomes
ring around the
rose brick beds
plant yourselves
in grave terraced rows
chuff chimney tabs
tortoise tummy tanks
tubby telly hubbies
and chubby mummies
wave molotov pints
on a friday night
weatherspoon jolly
it is the law!
to pour more
sugar and salt
into your jaw
then ignore
the herd deaths
in trenches
by media monarchs
and privateer
pharoah make-overs
funny though eh?
the new james bond baddies
are god king and country!
you are meat dripping
you are black pudding
clog clacking
skinny dogs
murder is
always happening
look on livestock!
at the new
dark satanic malls
eating your beautiful
sons and daughters
chubby beige buns
entertainment heads
dear lancashire rose
deep buried in the mines
of black hearted brexit
can you still
tangle and prick
dare sing
throat strangling
stone slinging songs?
rock your children
out of self harms?
re-make your jammy farms?
mince the duchy maybe?
or brick batter boris?
then eat them raw
with a biscuit
no longer in awe?
it's a communal path!
i told the sociopath
so loaded
and addicted to
controlling things
theres a hollow ring
to your gardening bling
I can feel
the empty suck
of your inner vacuuming
flattening everything
walking us into mass grave
up and down
down and up
dragging along
someone or something
shout on the phone
laugh like a moose
bully connive abuse
thats all you do
in a baseball hat
that covers a wig
that covers a brain
that is panicking
always acting
kind at first
to suck us in
offer light
then burn
and stub
its harmless
monopoly money eh?
no shortage
of plastic people
to play with tomorrow
evil fuck-wit psycho
in god-offal gameshow
here at the London allotment
massive flowering sociopaths
are the only things that grow
they seek him here
they seek him there
the scarlet boomer
is everywhere
just got back from la de da
getting ready for
shang ri la
next week
I'm 76!
still a catch!
got all the tests
and all the vax
heart of a 15 year old
teeth of a teen
brain of a toddler
keep my arse clean
I eat very well
Im kind and nice
empty spare rooms
in my massive house
ring my antique bell
I'm always in!
bored out of my brain
re-writing my will
its always the same though
I'll leave you nothing
straw hat
for more
jazz pan
unearned affluent
10mph nosebleed
BULLSHIT discourse
semi disguised
pleasure in
knowing that
most people will never
taste the difference
the poor will disappear
into malnutrition
and never
in any news feed
oh dear!
deliverboo hoo!
my soggy bottom
still plops with ease
more released equities
oh me and my glories
I'll be dead soon
you see!
so why does it matter
if the next generation
gets dipped
in fritter batter?
and burnt to a crisp
new WEF eco platter?
homo tempura!
I'll be sad to miss
that home grown dish
PS dont tell anyone this
they all think i'm nice
hello dead!
I THOUGHT we might
to stay cool
as species
i thought there were ideas
TOO Clever
poor people
dog EYED
middle class
did you see
the super rich
building bunkers
and space ships
hope GHOST
LOST in ads
youtube clips
daily dead
WITH jogs
chained to
shitting DOGS
take harmless
special BREED
shiney car
reclining phone scroller
you total phone
so instead
have a green wank
grow a floppy
plant flag
hidden under
the news noise
the end
it crept like a gas
into your house
like covid
sultanas in wigs
salty shrunken
inflatable 4x4s
breadpudding baldy
boutique barrowboy
strawberry hoodie
mint shorts
sour expression
the ghost ship creaks
with boomer treasure
wrinkled wallet face
designer colostomy
malformed in lycra
blackpudding condom
dogshit bag coffee
its a Carluccio
horror show
denture squelching
artisan zuckerburgers
bounteous beauty bars
the parents genetic
property portfolio
are in tow
sloppy tofu
money washed
perfect pooches
sketchy beards
waterfall hairdos
good at nothing
pram pushing
trainer socks
embarrassment shades
not very smart
or good looking
all go walkies
on upper street
lipstick on meat
a perfumed treat
no beauty
to wit
no love
nothing is sweet
bouncy ball!
rubber morals
ding ding
slut bear is here!
now hmmm
who is there?
to talk to?
or at?
maybe a dog/martian
living thingy?
or dopey OAP??
talk to me
lonely city
fyi btw
at any time
I can leave you
don't leave me!
that would be crazy!
I'm interesting and funny
do help yourself
to my loaves and fishes
feel free
to kneel and stare
at my gardening flair
hyper aware
before anyone here
oh where oh where?
is the guru there?
in his lair?
or out preaching?
'copy me!'
to any allotment boomer
bored enough to care
trivial TWATS
IN black shirt
black tie
gary lineker
blank tv blob
type THING
overpaid botoxed
oscar winning
smiley suit
teeth and hair
drag histrionics
colonial SHIT MILK
(no teeth or hair)
serious STAGE SETS
ME ME little
megaphone ME
CARTOON authority
bye bye chumps
its all over now
big black cock
Oh and all you
other capital
narrative whore
mega media cunts
time's up
Camden 2021
zombie London
no life left
no music now
and no artists
turn up the van
stereo to eleven
we used to play
we used to dance
like wood nymphs
and think
like free goths
now we sit
flat faced
plastic food
new builds
no dancing
no jokes
no talking
no whistling
not even looking
coffee faced
shake faced
dildo flask
property organic
milky jogging superior
cute white families
getting £6 bread
at the ugly reality
There are no complaints
from the old racists
who think cheap stuff
is for the ignorati
silent migrants
exotic new edibles
zero hours rainbow
slave work gangs
mediaeval mysogynistic
mole blind cultures
gone the chin up
rock climbing
evolving pioneers
ska punk reggae acid
exploded off to the seasides
Music and culture
was a fairness
fashion fight
now serene
bemused consumers
uber and unter
the London litter
there is nothing to do
but silently walk
admiring the shoes
HI! its been a while! I think I interviewed you back in 2018. What's been going on?
Hi, well how do you condense years into journalistic nuggets? Got massively ripped off by a NY gallery, lost loads of money and hope. Still living in squalour, still making shit. I suppose living without hope is the big new change. I'm drowning, and the curators are waving :)
Oh dear, sorry to hear that, yes it's been hard for everyone, my wife and niche dog, healthy silvery parents can't get to our second home, and def not to the third in France. Thank goodness for the NHS though eh? what would we do without them?
Be in the same old shit, perhaps be inspired to complain?
Hang on Foulcault wants to do pee pee in our long garden, I'll just let him seem quite angry, I really don't need to hear any more depressing stuff. Any good news?
Some good Bordeaux for £6 in sainsbury's and I'm housesitting, so lots of spirits to drink after the wine!
you are so self destructive :) You burn bright but you will live forever in yr Art! Is that no comfort?
(Oh man this interviewer character is not believable, they would always hide the privileged stuff, probably play boo hoo with you, family deaths or some such..what if they are scrawny lost youth in freezing camper van?) So..I'm a big fan of yr work, always eager to see what yr up to, looks like yr painting again?
Yep I'm trying, it's hard, not like gentry studio hard, theres something repulsive about going back to such a corrupted language. Painting is a portrait of cosy wanking, even when yr freezing in a plastic greenhouse with holes in.
But what if people like me see and feel that determination, and get hope from it?
I don't think it's determination on my part to communicate or give anymore, although i have been brave enough to do some things in the past that have been described as visionary, even evangelical! Now I see that only monsters get mainstream, so there's no point preaching. Now I'm just making my death into things that are not meaningless to me, it's sort of like cleaning, a daily hygiene thing. Maybe a few other people will do that too? It all feels a bit too late to change things.
When you say cleaning you mean cultural bullshit?
totally, it's the toxins of the media and high art history I want to scrub off. An attempt to remove the heaviness of oppression and meaninglessness. Be gone shakespeare, elongated legal language, narratives of chin scraping affluence that since the the middle ages has infected culture, everything backward, pious, missing the point, faux serious, cloudy, pompous. It's all just stupid liar power news. Trump, queen, Boris, Eugenics.
you want to get at the truth?
I get a constant pummelling from Trump truth, Boris truth, queen truth so I want a bit of mine, and others, for a change. My truth is never 'the' mountain top 'truth' though, it's a chatty base camp honesty. Mountain top truths are for people with low self esteem. There's nothing up there! If you want to be some snow bearded god then go up there, alone, see how long you last, ego prick.
Everyone has a true story, are some better than others?
I suppose most are not made into art, which is a kind of hyper-real jewelery. I'm interested in not being boring and irrelevant, although those can also be great stories,if edited well. I like chewing the intoxicating amount of multi source information. All pipe smoking impressionist opinions are tedious and already out of date by bedtime.
Do you want to be a respected brand? like shakespeare? Picasso? Camille Paglia? Simone de beavouir? Jesus? adidas? etc.
Being respected as brand is 'sales', and that's better than not, I only want to test myself and the world I see, it's up to others to brand my arts in historical terms. What history does is a mix of money making and PR bullying, with a few rare precious ideas that resonate without much help/spin. I've seen some of my ideas normalised already, on the ground, in art/life. Well I say 'my' ideas but they never are, it's a river of churning bloods and sweet ideas, I'd just rather be swimming in there with people I respect than cowering silently with people I don't, complaining about the wet mess.
the way weve set this up is you artist are good/interesting/wise and me interviewer is stinky boring disciple is that correct?
In a way yes, because my role is river and yours is rock. A great interviewer would be the river, a bad artist would be the rock. I think we're all drifting in flux, always unequal, in dirty water. If I asked you questions you would be the plynth star. I suppose my job is to be the genius/clown. Yours is to get me to spray you with my water flower, and honk my horn. :)
This interviewing yourself gag is quite funny, a spoof, and portrait of failure. Are you surprised you didn't receive much attention in your career from the cultural 'rocks'?
I've met most of the big cultural rocks, but they always seemed flat and worn down. Exciting clown curators and clown writers are very hard to find now. In the arts I think fun has been replaced by fear, clowns are scary. So curators, institutions have gone safe. Also state power and the financial aspect is so huge now, curators get lobbied/bullied. Dreary rich artists prosper. Poor punky artists get buried.
I saw this stat that 50% of people don't feel represented by the bbc, I feel like art is like that, all the big institutions are out date and only stupid people get excited now by big Art shows.
Yes, culture has become a museum of 19th century intellectualism, played on repeat, a vain ghost of something that died years ago. It's always the lamest ideas that get repeated. Bank sponsored safe investment modernism. Female and Black representation has been an improvement in recent times, although I thought those arguments had been won in the 1970's. Things feel more divisive than progressive now. Like it's a minority WHOdunnit rather than: what are your NEW ideas, human river clowns?
in a cosmic wank
internet interview
Baselitz name checks Tracey Emin's
cosmic wank
he's obsessed with de Kooning's
cosmic wank
HIGH ART is bling gambling
and cosmic wanking
go shopping and do yr job
on your day off you think:
'I'll go and see some cosmic wank!'
massive squiggly dribbly big stuff
you get a little hard on
it's a visceral orgie
totally indulgent
paint volcano
cosmic wank
In post war empty space America
you could cosmic wank freely
Now the rent for a massive warehouse would be 10000 a month
plus heating and lighting ££$$?
and all that delicious wasted paint £££?
and the carpenter to make yr massive stretchers $$$?
and the assistants to stretch your massive canvases, and prime them £££?
then the wine drinking, smoking and cosmic wank parties $$££?
the eating well, haircuts and nice clothes, trips to Europe $£$£?
Holiday home somewhere stylish ££$$?
Cosmic wanking is money pissing
And for what?
a surprising mini stiffy?
Poor cosmic wanking is possible
if you work small and cut costs
But its not the same
it's not pleasant
cosmic wanking
It's a bit tense
you can't afford to ejaculate £$£$$$
you need to temper your
titillating cream smears
(and be bling gambling indifferent)
in the new exhausted cosmic over-wanked world
cosmic wanking is a bad flag
in bling existential church
great walls of money spunk
for greedy cosmic wankers
hippy house elites
you just won't die!
vampire xmas ghosts
wood burners and CH
turned up to 11 :)
'were having duck' :)
OH not turkey or beef? :)
YOU smug fowl fucks
You dodder untroubled
in big colour clothes
worth a bomb
by mountains of
bright wool
fruit blooms
I see you spying
from high extension
my wet work grey rags
hunted and haunted
by you re-spied
wrinkle licking
fridge thick
buttered organics
purring in fur nest
old architect, old tv writer
old bbc exec, old artist
through the triple glazing
pyramid extension
'it used to be so arty here'
bemoaning the phone poor
introvert lower generations
'so virtual, so sheepish!'
You shuffle back
in orange velvet trousers
convinced concluding
'they're all undeserving!'
passing the organic joint
french herb butter
famous acquaintance art
and humble 60's
ethnic draped habitat
you glimpse a toad
wearing a nappy
reflected in hockney lithograph
'I don't think we're immortal darling!'
then royally
:) always thinking of others! :)
'the grandchildren will be secure'
spring 2021 collection
I've decided to become a supermodel. I've stopped making art, It's too much like hard work. My economic survival has become too impractical and unpleasant. Constantly banging my head against a brick wall. It hurts now. So it's time to become a supermodel/superstylist/superwriter who sells his own superclothes.
My latest fashion 'Poor Show' was inspired by unhealthy, ignored people with plastic bags. It's so hot right now! Trending it's arts off.
Yesterday the government reluctantly agreed to feed our poorest children. I wonder if my Poor Show style will become mainstream, acting as new narcissism repellent?
In the YUK poverty has been out of fashion for a while, I wont mention the enclosures act, and the slow shrinking of living standards (keep it up-beat Neal)
Put some pop music on, woop, poor fashions banging away and making new styles. If it wasn't for rock and roll, poor people wouldnt exist. It is a beautifully flexible form. Serious, comical, sublime, industrial. 3minutes-ish of being unified as species. Then afterwards all the dad dancing rich shits come back to ruin it. Trump. Boris. Bills. Bullshit. Boring.
Poor people are poor because they deserve it, that's the vibe. Unlike the rich who are clever immoral cunts. But how come the superior ones are so shit at everything? Music/art/writing/sport/innovation etc. etc? Why not!
When the poor are ignored too long you end up with Goya monsters like Trump or Boris, eating peoples heads. When the cultural history of the majority is castrated, when they are malnourished and misinformed for long enough, everyone seems surprised when they vote for nutters. But when you are driven mad by decades of cruelty you get fucking angry, about anything.
It's time to speak up now, get represented. Poor cool. Green cool. Not thick cool, but REAL education cool, total fairness cool.
We need to get some real research made public, persistently, about cruel living standards, and start helping each other get into better clothes. We have all been sloppy and allowed a 'rich only' image culture to reappear. Corporations and Governments won't change. Only wealthy wholistic individuals and mainstream trends can better this uneven world. Then we will get better governments and business behaviour.
Poor Style is queing up in the supermarket, trying not to kick off when it all goes wrong, making a joke, smiling and being kind. Being honest, being sweet despite exhaustion. Getting up after punches style, laughing and loving style, trying to be free style, believing in unity style. I'm sick of this greedy extinction style x
Neal Jones's
unstylish corner
autumn/winter 2020
Time to stop shaving your neck and cheeks making your beard look like a cartoon.
Forget those super skinny, twisted or super flared jeans, just wear some fucking jeans and get on with it.
Put away that thin brown shoulder bag, use a rucksack, or carry things in your hands!
Don't keep flicking or brushing back your wavy hair, just get it cut, or stop bloody flicking it!
Crime is IN. Why not get covered in tatoos? But only if you get banged up in prison for 10 years.
If you like to pair relaxed thin black V neck jumpers with black jeans and then smile about it, top off the look by covering your bare feet in dogshit.
If you really want prospective partners to look at you this season, strap on a sexy looking bomb, get in a wheely bin and wave your arms about.
For the older gentleman, try not to pretend to be a elegant 1930's gentleman, its 2020! There should be a prominent trash element, otherwise you can easily look like a nazi.(which is uncool).
If you are going to wear a rare Bolivian folk jumper, try pairing with disgusting grey wee stained jogging bottoms.
If you are going for the classic Audrey Hepburn look, then make sure you get it really badly wrong.
When wearing really soft knee high red calf skin boots, try combining with strong red blusher, all over your face.
If you are wearing vintage linens and clogs this season always stay in a walled garden in the south of England.
It's party season, shit loads of totally wrong foundation always catches the eye, accentuate your boobs and hips with hand gestures if you want sex.
If you're going for the total pornstar look try walking bow-legged with a totally blank stare.
For those long frosty country walks, if you are combining a wax jacket and wellies with BLM t-shirt, then make sure you always dribble a bit when you speak.
As the nights are drawing in, and Christmas is getting close, why not snuggle up to your other half totally covered in fresh animal blood and plastic.
Les Apres Reserve 2017 Gerard Bertrand £7.50 at Morrisons was £10!
And Pholcid spiders
I feel a bit sick already, haven't eaten much, I've just packed my van with art to take down into Soho tomorrow. Some of the lamps I've made (art) still have some residue from the Pholcid spider, manifest in sticky gossamer netting and a beige speckling from their shit when I stored the stuff in my allotment shed while waiting for this blessed, anguished, congestion charge and ulez charge stress drive and sweaty lugging into the gallery judgement day. For this reason the first taste of Les Aspres Reserve tastes like a kind of throat punch, it's heavy, like a lump of metal going down, a slug, a thug of a wine. I'm drinking it to put me to sleep mostly. I'm supposed to be eating it with lamb or pulled pork. I've got some bread and cheap Ardennes Pate (also from Morrisons-75p) that's close, porky!
The spiders in my shed don't get out much, they are very much indoor types, sometimes called cellar spiders, they like the dark and still. There are a few knocking about the house, usually in a cupboard, near a hot water pipe, or in a corner by the door. They are sort of like ghosts, when you see them, you don't go 'there is a thing', you go 'there's a kind of drawing of a thing'. They're not so threatening as a big fat spider with vampire teeth so you don't have to jump around and flush or chuck them away, you can just sweep them and they kind of blow away. What do they do when they are brushed away? Slowly creep back into shady places I reckon, I don't think they run, they appear kind of depressed, lacking energy, lacking vitamin D, Anaemic? My mum used to think I was like that, when I stayed in I was always quiet and moved slowly, it was because I liked studying, drawing and thinking.
Ok let's get serious about the wine. Let's face it, with this virus thing going on people aren't going to go out and see art, so I'm fishing for a new job: Wine and Insect reviews for the Guardian/Independent. The wine Nose is mostly a whack of alcohol, after that, there is a freshness, blackcurrants, but they all say that eh? I think I read on the Morrisons label, hints of tobacco. I am getting that but it's from my roll-up fingers I think, kind of strawberries, oh it's no good, I'm blocked up. Maybe to do this properly you have to have a shower and blow your nose and be in some kind of Swiss vacuum. I'm listening to Motorhead so I've got a hint of motorbike and leather jacket. All wine gets better after the first third has gone, but then so does everything, shit friends, distant siblings, governments, pandemics. I'm getting papaya now, something fruity, curvy, bendy, alien. I wonder what the shed spiders are up to? When I'd open the door they would bounce on their webby trampolines, like disturbed, insecure people, making themselves appear bigger and harder than they really are, also harder to catch. It's a lot of energy to waste for these anaemic ghost drawings, poor things. But i shouldn't feel sorry for them, they are prospering. Feeding mostly on a plentiful supply of woodlice who want to destroy my shed, they are doing me a great favour! I reckon burglars would also be slowed down with a face full of itchy bouncing cobweb drawing wierdos in their face. I'm getting a swimming costume on the floor near a swimming pool after-taste now.
I'm getting confused, are these Daddy long legs (Pholcid spiders) or 'cellar spiders' not actually 'Harvestmen', which are related to scorpions. Hmm, but Harvestmen live outdoors, so I reckon we're ok with the indoor ghost things. I should really eat something. I need to get up early. Quite often I'm jealous of wildlife, not the eating woodlice thing or mad death threat panic but the not knowing the sheer mad size of the world, that cosy microcosmos of shed, like isolated rural village, mating with whoever is next door to you. I tried that in my shared house during Lockdown. Laura wasn't into it, she is Polish and does yoga and is very disciplined, although we both said we liked each other and hugged a few times she eventually did the bouncy trampoline thing when she felt I was invading her space. I didn't mean any harm, I've closed her shed door, I hope she's happy eating woodlice in her room. It is a strong wine, very good with bread and pate.
I've just poured some boiling water over some home grown french beans and courgettes, will add home grown garlic, shallots. basil, shop tomatoes, oil, salt pepper, will eat with the bread pate and carry on drinking, just sent a dodgy text to a married woman, I want to watch a film now and forget everything, disappear into the darkness, I don't want to think about spiders any more. I'm going to watch a film about a Polish nun.
Gerard Bertrand special reserve Sauvignon Blanc 2019,from Morrisons 6.50 was 8.75!
And Flying Ants
Part of my wine reviewing 'practice', which is crucial, but hardly ever mentioned elsewhere, is how you feel the next morning, and how well you slept. I had a 5 star sleep, lack of hangover 4 stars, had really bad cough so 1 star for next day well-being, this could be from smoking/stress or a spider climbing into my throat, this rating might be unreliable, like all the other ones, because they depend on too many variables, they should all be ignored.
In the morning I start to think about what I'll eat in the evening, and that kind of affects my choice of wine. Like most people we have our own very specific reasons for choosing a bottle of wine. I had a friend who discerned a good choice by putting her thumb into the bum of the bottle, the bigger the bum hole the better, No bum hole no purchase. The theory I think, which I share, is that if the bottle is made well then there is a good chance the wine will be. Those cheap featureless, cast, not blown, bright green bottles are to be avoided, also screw tops, and screw tops that pretend to be corks, plastic 'corks', any bottle with a flower on it, or with a flowery name. Flowers have nothing to do with wine, and if I read about a floral note, I am already disgusted. Pot pourri is not what I want when I'm eating oily, leafy, cheesy, fishy or meaty food. Mentioning the soil and terroir is a better signal. Grape types are also crucial to know. The global location should have an impact for the environmentalist regarding the carbon footprint, but I ignore this because like most things economics is a major factor: what can you afford? Anything under £6 will probably be rubbish, I aim for £7, and it needs to be reduced from 8-10 which lifts it high enough out of pure self hate gutter drinking. Spending £20 or over for wine is just showing off, I'm sure they are finer and more sophisticated but I don't have the right bank balance. Nor the time or the right friends to muse with about complex notes. I'd be thinking how many other bottles I could have bought instead of 1. Interesting flavours are fun but I drink fast, and sometimes a flat one-note but well made wine best suits my peasant life, my vernacular evening writing and shit film sleep company.
While assembling a show in New York, I asked in a swank wine shop, what they would recommend. The dude looked a bit sniffy but when I mentioned what I liked, he softened and said: 'Good' wine does not exist, it is about what YOU prefer. He said his palate is always changing, he used to like these wines now he goes for these. I doubt he used my hangover review technique. I didn't like this argument because I get it a lot in the art world. People say 'its not my cup of tea' I say 'i'm not making you cups of tea'.
Drinking red wine is more like eating, it's weighty, generous, the blood of Christ, still warm. The transition to white is a bit sad, it's wetter, thinner, colder, more acidic, like tear drinking. I delivered my art at 5.30 am to avoid the staring London punters and sarcastic idle builders. The pavements smelled of sick and piss, black pigeons picking at black bags. The heat and a feint drizzle was poaching the piss/sick/diesel/pigeon shit recipe into gross Spanish floor omelette. The homeless gangs in tents, on duvets without covers and cardboard were still sleeping, the numbers were striking, central London is becoming favella, Indian slum. Tears. White wine always tastes a bit grassy, you're supposed to drink it with fish, but i don't have any fish mates, but i do have a tin of dead tuna, which I'll add to some home grown courgettes and beetroot softened with boiling water, with added shop tomatoes and onions, good salt and pepper. Should I feel guilty, quaffing a so-so wine eating my own organic scraps without a cooker in a shit room. Nah, I didn't put people on cardboard, nor into super yachts. My life is not luxurious or even hopeful. I've decided to live alone and die in semi squalor, but eat and drink as well as possible, so I can be alive enough to write and make art about this fast human decline. It's really hot, i sit outside and flick off little black ants from my trousers. They have been excitedly excavating sand from under the paving slabs. Bigger winged ones are roaming around too, how do they know there is a dry heatwave coming? Rain would ruin all Wright brother hope for them. Winged ants are the sex ants, going out clubbing, once a year, muscly and toned, wearing tight clothes and push up bras, they are designed for one purpose only, shagging. Sauvignon Blanc is a ladies drink really, It's good I'm sheltering indoors, windows blacked out against the sun radiation, in my pants, with flabby tummy, writing! I'm a flightless stay at home ugly lady man ant.
Like people in religious gangs, ants only survive by helping and getting helped by their mates. Solitude is suicidal, unless you're a sexy, romantic poet, with rich parents.
On the nose I'm getting Austrian fields, the sound of music, cow bells. On the palette: long blond hair, gingham tablecloth, having an argument, getting rejected, going home to be sick and alone in a blacked out room.
Ants are eusocial (good socialists) they have different castes within one colony that perform different tasks for the 'super organism' that is the Ant city collective. They're 'all in it together', like poor people in post-austerity, pandemic UK, only with them 'it' means 'deep shit'.
Only one in a million flying ants succeed in breeding and finding new paving slabs around which to start a new colony, but they are all a symbol of HOPE. Sometimes a thin little black, sexless wingless ant, wanders away from the big religious gang and sets up camp on their own. They are called 'loser ants'. They make little sand sculptures and leaf collages and sell them sometimes to other outsider ants. It's a small arty religious gang, who rarely help each other.
I got sick of Gerard Bertrand sauvignon blanc, too much nasty green acidity, rare for me to leave a fifth undrunk, makes me cry. You win 1 you lose a million.
Trapiche oak cask Malbec 2019, Mendoza Argentina from Tesco £6.50 was £8!
And Houseflies
I am already familiar and fond of this wine, the bottle has a decent bum hole, I can afford it and the hangover is bearable. I like bottles that taper wider at the shoulders, like soldiers. Argentinian Malbec always reminds me of eating a big steak in an Argentinian restaurant in Camden, all the seats were covered in white and black cowhide. I felt very macho, like a cowboy. On my writing menu this evening are flies, it's a bit of a catch-all when describing insects, but you know the ones I mean, cow bum ones, dog shit ones and food ones. Not mosquitoes or fruit flies, horseflies or the tsetse.
Little Fly
Thy summers play,
My thoughtless hand
Has brush'd away.
Am not I
A fly like thee?
Or art not thou
A man like me?
For I dance
And drink & sing:
Till some blind hand
Shall brush my wing.
If thought is life
And strength & breath:
And the want
Of thought is death;
Then am I
A happy fly,
If I live,
Or if I die.
cheers William Blake
The fly appears in a lot of cowboy films, they always land on someone who is about to die. There are no flies on the gun slinging hero, because they are not decaying. In cartoons the fly is handy tool to signify a smelly thing or person. The noise is a universally recognisable annoyance. Which came first, the sound which became annoying, or are there just annoyingly pitched sounds that we don't like? If a pretty butterfly sounded like a mosquito, i think we would like it, but I don't know. I used to use my badminton racquet to 'ping' indoor flies, but now I just act like a mad conductor, and shoo them out. I don't like killing them, hearing them dying is worse, or leaving them with one wing to joylessly wander about. At the allotment the flies are good at clearing up rotten bits and bobs, dead things, pooey things. I'm glad they exist, but only because we have windows and doors, and badminton racquets.
On the nose this Malbec has a high note. Laaaaaaaaa, no higher, leeeeaaaaa. It's surprisingly fresh for brute. I can taste guns, drinking troughs, rosy cheeks. I can't taste the Falkland war, but there is a bit of hate in there which I respect. I'm getting leather notes, black stubble, mountains not deserts. Not many flies on my palate but I do think I'm getting throat cancer. Not many species get a buzz out of things like that. I picked an Argentinian film to watch this evening, it looks violent, I might invite the flies in.
Tesco 'finest' Medoc £6 was £9!
And Ladybirds
I need to be quick, some dick head in my house has kept me awake the last 2 nights, and so I'm all at sea time-wise, need to go to bed early, and want to squeeze a bit of the Revenant in beforehand. I like that film because of the landscape, the terroir and the breathing, keep breathing..oh it's so sad..for the bear and the cubs and the native Americans, for everyone and everything. It's a terrible bloodbath.
The Medoc region of France is near the Atlantic, it's not ideal, they get too much rain, and suffer grape rot, so they put gravel in the soil that drains the water away well and heats up faster, helping the ripening process quicken. This Medoc does taste wet. There is a sourness, a hint of mould? Not enough drying sugar heat? Can I taste the salty sea? No, it's just not that remarkable on it's own, it might work well with some strong cheese though.
Ladybirds have a stupid name, but they are quite cute little wandering buttons. I like the larvae best, they are like black and orange fiery dinosaurs, all horned and weird. Both stages are great for gobbling up Blackfly and Greenfly and Scale Insects from my fruit trees and vegetables. In this brutal world free labour by red buttons and tiny dinosaurs is rare and appreciated. In 1976 a pale cream hotel in Blackpool, near where I grew up, became covered in Ladybirds, I remember crunching over them like bloody snow, all landing on you and biting you, they were hungry, there wasn't enough food on the outside of the hotel. If you need to get rid of a Ladybird on your hand, say. Point to the sky, and it will climb up your finger, then perplexed, think about what to do for a bit, then fly off, they don't like going down. You can of course flick them, which seems cruel, or you could coax them away with toothpick fishing rod using a hair as a line and aphid as bait. I don't have time for this I keep thinking of the Revenant, those arrows flying, that bastard who buried him, sleeping inside a horse to keep warm. You can see why most people don't pay much attention to boring undramatic insects, and when they do notice them at last, they flap around and scream as if they've been shot. The main reason this happens is that people don't grow their own food. A normal show off garden is a sensory selfish thing, made to add value and 'interest' to your property, they deter insects if anything, so you can drink your wine in peace. A vegetable garden is like the wild west, a fucking war zone, things flying everywhere, getting slaughtered and you really care when some little fucker kills your lovingly nurtured food children. Suddenly you notice who's who and what's what, who is the goody and who is the baddy.
Microwaved home grown potatoes and courgette, added shallots and garlic. Some grated Parmesan I was banking on has gone black and mouldy, bollocks, but it tastes like Stilton now, so that's going to work well! Good old mould. Salt, pepper olive oil, bam, thwack, stab, finger in the air, woop. If I wake up with a red face with black spots, it'll only be because I've bludgeoned and half-buried my bloody noisy neighbour.
Corbieres 2018 Castelmaure £5 was £8!
And the Weevil
French wines are wetter, i really don't like them, they're shit! You can feel the lacrimose chill, they're not as dense as southern hemisphere wines and certainly nowhere near as stupid as the USA. But sometimes a smiling new thug is what you want, not old smug elite ponce.
The pig English hate the frog French, unless you are a south coast sailor and have a neckerchief, and second home in Normandy, and vice versa, only with a pied a terre in South Kensington. If Britain made wine it would be equally temperate, wet, mild-mannered and full of curly grey wig colonial silk-buckle-shoe-ed dandy posturing. Corbieres sounds like a friend of one of the three musketeers, or a minor figure in the French revolution, who famously (for five minutes) gave the mob some ok wine.
I hope the reader appreciates what a battle it is for my poor liver to suffer like this for your benefit, to educate you ignorant masses. Every bloody night!
I'm harvesting and eating a lot of french beans these days, I always get sick of them and stop picking them, I don't mind because I then harvest the plump jewel-like beans inside and store them to then re-hydrate and eat over winter. Sometimes when you open the stored bean bag there are lots of little holes in the beans, and a few, or a lot, of little black beetles pissing about inside. The name weevil comes from 'evil' and 'we', which is a modern shortening of 'we are'. They're not that bad really, I quite like their little snouts, they look a bit like a Tapir, who in turn look very sad because they were born with a massive droopy nose. Corbieres nose is not massive, it's barely present, there's a very distant whiff of gorse, encountered on a pretty sailing boat about 2 miles from the french coast.
There are lot of migrants crossing the channel to the UK at the moment, hot weather, calm seas. I don't think they are wine drinkers, or cheese eaters (or asylum seekers). They just know a stupid country when they see one, full of ancient landlords that want to keep their housing market and dictatorship bouyant with freshly ignorant low-paid peasants (oops). I really don't like this wine, it's got nothing to say, like an old snob, resting on their laurels, out of date. Even the label is olde worlde, it looks like an C17th engraving, with ornate twiddly bits than mean nothing but 'pompous old git'. The British equivalent to Corbieres would be called Rhyss Mogg.
If you don't notice the weevils that have taken a free ride in your beans before you eat them, you will experience a hard crunch where there should be soft velvety pulp. Insects don't taste nice by and large, but that's for my next gutter-gourmet tome, when the population has grown so large and the climate so damaging to crops that we have to crawl around eating each others shoelaces, and drinking £20 saltwater, bottled and sold with embellished twiddly engraving label: Rhyss Mogg grande Eau de mere reserve 2050.
Zarper Iindomita Gran Reserva Malbec, Chile 2018 from Morrisons £6 was £9!
And Wasps
It still hasn't rained, I cant do anything in this still dead London sweat lodge. There's no way I'm going into central London to get angry with my innocent show. I went to the allotment early, watered, picked gherkins, beans, cavelo nero, sage, then the rest of the day I've spent hiding from the radiation blasting heat, swaddled in wet rags, till 4pm when I went to Morrisons to find my next evening intrigue/red diesel. Good bum hole, soldiers shoulders again, beware the black label, but life is a roller coaster and risks must be taken. There were some really beautiful shiny women in Morrisons today, but they don't look at me, as I'm inserting my finger into various bottle bums. This wine is a classic smooth but unremarkable Malbec, it drinks itself! I saw some wasps drinking out of a wheelbarrow I've filled with water, for my plants and the birds, but that's all the London insects spotted today. Indoor London heatwave insects are endangered now. In the old British haven of cool thatched summer cottage they were everywhere, immortalised in decorative wall paper, on fancy fabrics, illustrated in floral scenes, down the back of the sofa, acting as paperweights, eating the beamy wood. It used to be a right laugh, especially at night, when the spiders were chased by the mice and the cats and the tapirs, jumping on the sheep, biting horses, spreading diseases. They would all gather around the Aga, and Beatrix potter would demean them in the evenings, that's partly why they all left, the insulting abusiveness of Victorian England. What's my insect, a famous Victorian parlour game, hosted initially by prince Albert in postal form, has become totally forgotten, due to lack of insect knowledge. For the sake of realistic portraiture I will have to go with the populist wasp today, but it is a nasty choice, and partly the reason why people hate all insects. I don't want to give it too much more oxygen publicity. It's like talking about Priti Patel or Michael Gove, you really don't want to encourage them with words. Most Tory politicians would consider the term waspish a compliment. Theresa May was famously waspish, albeit in a very grey, baggy eyed, totally flightless, hunched shouldered, Mr Burns from the Simpsons, sort of way. I think the term means being able to lay your eggs in perfectly edible fruit and ruin it, eat wood and make a spit mortar to make annoying nests in nice peoples attics, and having the ability to ruin a really nice summer evening around a pub bench. Wasps are the insect equivalent of the 'wanker' in a pub, waiting for a thin artist or writer to come in and torment. I've had a few wasps nests at the allotment, under one of my sheds, that made working inside a real problem, and a hole in the ground by a fruit tree that became a volcano of wasp hate. With the first one I tried a shop bought white poison powder, which worked but i worried about indirectly killing birds as the bad cocaine party wasps flew out. The second time, it was thuggish and Guy Fawkes direct: bottle of diesel in hole, left to soak into all the larvae, little smile, box of matches.
Home grown beetroot, french beans, microwaved in a lot of salt, olive oil, sweat, head under the cold shower, bread and pate with sage, heatwave not hungry, drinking more sensible.
Like Priti Patel and Michael Gove and Therezzzzzzzzza May, all wasps should be hounded out of town. If only we could all come together: mice, cats, tapirs, spiders etc, with mallets, sticky nets, Beatrix Potters and badminton racquets, we could get these rotters to fuck off the insect map asap.
Spoiler alert: fruit flies really like this wine, and also just saw a thin green dragonfly, it pissed off really quick, but i do recommend a glass of Chilean wine by a wheelbarrow of water, if you want to see more INSECT LIFE.
Going to watch a film about Aboriginal racism now, cheers. Don't think about wasps too much, dear insect reader, but do remember to buy some emergency diesel, there's a massive bunch of fruit ruiners in a old spit palace down by the river, that needs some unified attention.
Montes reserva, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chile 2018 in Tesco £7 was £9!
And the Common Blue butterfly
At last this is a interesting sexy new wine. I took a chance, screw top! but good bum hole, soldiers shoulders bottle, and anyway Chilean wine is a good bet and especially if it's top shelf, teetering close to £10.
What a day, assembling an art show is mind bendingly hard anyway, on your own but on one of the hottest airless days of the year, in Soho, surrounded by a complete war zone of builders, with no access to water or a toilet, or enthusiasm. Sweating, ears pounding, breathing in car fumes, and sicko restaurant filth, knowing full well all this is a big waste of time, in pandemic ultra-recession right-wing UK, it's even worse.
I haven't been able to sleep for days, I've just walked into the shower with my clothes on, I'm attempting to get hypothermia to counteract the blood boiling. The downside to this wine is that it has aggravated my cough, a symptom of my selfless philanthropic gift to the world, of my short insect life, to art, design, wine and insect writing. In my life the common blue has followed me around. It is like my spirit guide, my gravity free soul, or pretty bit of sky plastic, whenever I see it I am cheered on.
There are no insects in Soho, or birds, bees, butterflies or droopy nosed Tapirs. There are barely any more in the suburbs where I live. My spirit insect toffee wrapper though was at home today. When I'm assembling a show, and writing, and cooking, and buying wine, there is this terrible fear that it will all be shit, there is no choice but to carry on and have faith in what you have learned thus far, as small and fragile as that may be. The worst thing to do in love, life, design and art is to be fearful and boring. Using this teenage editing word is the key to any small success I have had. When I turn up my wine drinking, and the wine flies, you must let go of the floor, and surprise yourself.
Hello, I'm Jimi Hendrix on a £80 Lenovo laptop. I'm clitoris licking the keys, laptop sliding up and down my bum crack. The common blue is dancing around the base of some ivy outside like a 70's fairy. My brother thought I was a fairy, I punched him really hard on his heart once while he was sleeping.
This wine is like a dark haired woman with her boobs out, like that woman in Munch paintings, concentric marks around her like she is supernatural. I'm getting urine notes, but the main flavour is licorice and bleeding goats. Cabernet Sauvignon is usually boring but this is wild, kissing, crying, I can taste all the meaning and meaninglessness of life, I want to laugh and cry. My spirit insect is a bit embarrassed outside. Isn't all this delicious? Cheap pate and sliced tomatoes on toasted olive bread with the pale aqua out of date mould cut off.
The clouds are building and the wind is rushing to make a tower of cloud, but it won't rain or cool. I notice the wine has changed and has become the leaden Cabernet Sauvignon I know so well. I flew and fell, I will fly again. My great artistic achievement might be noticed or not. That poor, little, ignored things can be especially fine and wonderful, and that simple observation, way beyond our industrialised meat and potato school education, can allow our little butterfly selves to dance back to the lively, magnificently weird green and blue world.
Barbera D'ASTI, Morrisons 'the best' (printed in handwriting style) £6 was £7.50!
And the Dragonfly
Sometimes you find a very good wine for £6, reduced, massive bum hole soldiers shoulders, no hangover, you can get up at 6 am and feel ok, go to work, be friendly and look forward to tomorrow. But the other supermarket insects have also found that wine, and it sells out quick so you have to pick something else that you really know will ruin your tomorrow. Anyway, reviewing wine is my last job now, so maybe best to try something different. I am not holding my breath. For a start it is Italian, all Italian supermarket wine, and food has become corporate rubbish, Italy as brand takes the piss, now that they have us all hooked. Like that brand person, Jamie Oliver, supermarket Italian food is now OVER EXALTED wavy handed passion BULLSHIT. Dead pasta, dead sauces, dead olives, dead tomatoes, overpriced dead wine, all proudly sporting the red white and green 'big liar' flag.
No soldiers shoulders, ABSOLUTELY NO HINT OF A BUM HOLE! Ok there is a cork, but the Morrisons 'best' label is nothing to be proud of, it is like saying: 'Gary Barlow'.
It's much cooler today, My art show feels under control, just need to be brave and put some sour things on the walls to counteract some of the sweetness in the furniture and lamps, but I have some hope now.
Zero insects spotted today, a snail eating some bread doesn't count, it's out and about because it has rained! It's cooler, that's nice, so I'll have to review an insect spotted yesterday. A green twig floating and doing an air dance, in a robotic way, over my wheelbarrow of water. Dragonflies are the RAF porn stars of the insect world, they glisten and wave and everyone can't help but look and clap. Some of them are as big as birds, acting like serious artillery helicopters, prowling sharks, remote controlled baby light sabre drones. Green or blue? The thin blue ones are usually Damsel flies. I prefer the duller green, massive ones. But yesterday's was smallish, 10 cm long, bright spring green, wisely avoiding my lifeless wheelbarrow pond as creche for it's offspring. Dragonfly larvae are voracious underwater predators like their mum and dad, but they are not RAF bling, they are colourless nightmarish monsters of the deep. A lot of scary aesthetics in painting history, films and comic books are derived from the 'alien' animal and insect 'king'dom (eh?). Perfected in C20th America, the natural world has become relatively recent constant threat. Anything not pinky-white, American, anyone not drinking sugar, not looking like a doughnut in shorts, not driving a truck while eating a minced cow is 'french', untrustworthy, vegetarian, grotesque, geeky, green, alien. There are no dragonflies in the bible, or anything green, just loads of men driving around, raping the planet for 'God' the oldest surviving cartoon character. In some paintings Jesus is portrayed as being thin and greenish, but not because he was into saving the environment, but because he was probably just French, vegetarian, a weirdo, hippy, loser.
I'm getting distracted. Americans, and all religious victims, are dumb fucks and they fuck up the natural world through ignorance and that's that.
Barbera d'Asti has nothing on her nose, and the only thing on my palette is that acrid throat theft sensation: saying 'eat some cheesy pizza, quick'.
Dragonflies have been on this planet for ages, they are as old as dinosaurs. How do they endure? No choice, they are brilliant genetic designs that doughnuts in shorts could try and simulate in silicone valley. They choose instead to use US technology 'smarts' to help coax thin, French, alien, environmental green people into new doughnuts in shorts. I wonder if the Dragonfly will also succumb in the end? Maybe they are actually extinct already, and what we see now are actually shiny US military spy drones, it's a horrible thought: weaponized American insects.
I've just read a genetically modified cyborg dragonfly spy already exists. Designed to steal wine reviews probably. Typical!
Tesco 'finest' Carmenere £7 was £8.50
And Hoverflies
The insects outside the respite care unit are getting thin on the ground, I'm struggling to see new ones. The Hoverfly is not the most exciting subject. Small and waspish, but more pathetic, sting-less, it's yellow and black stripes don't scare anyone. They move in a dozy robotic way, knowing no-one gives a flying fuck what they get up to. Drinking nectar like a bee, making maggoty offspring like a fly. They are so boring, but I don't hate them, I just think they're too polite, nervy. Like they've chosen an evolutionary safe zone.
Screw top, middle ground bum hole, I've been drinking Carmenere sporadically for the last few weeks. It has a rosy nose and a rosy flavour, breaking one of my no floweryness rules, but Chilean-tick, no great hangover-tick. £7 max-tick. On the label the name Carmenere is printed huge in letteraset Banksy style: CAR then underneath MEN and ditto ERE. I have a car, I am a man, and i am 'ere. Can that really have an impact on a wine purchase? The fact I've pointed this out, is probably giving some Tesco's finest graphic designer a hard on. What about women though? Do they want a car man there? Is that like having Elvis or a Beatle for them? I have a horrible suspicion women like Jeremy Clarkson, and thereby horses in bubble wigs. I give up.
Thank god for Hoverflies, to get that image out of my head. Not many things in life hover. Kestrels. Hummingbirds. Usually it's human hands. Children's hands over a platter of assorted biscuits, old peoples hands over crosswords, students hands over a multiple choice question. It means you think you know what you're doing, but you don't.
Is that what Hoverflies are doing? I mean, why do they wait? There's a flower, why not go for it? Like Luke Skywalker, he didn't just hover, his hovering was urgent, purposeful, saying: I'm going over there, really fast. But the Hoverfly acts like it's deaf or blind, or boringly cautious. Nothing is going to kill you, just get on with it? But if they did, they then they would just be called: 'untitled' or the 'tiny shitbee' or 'babynotwasp'. They have to do it to be noticed as individual. They hover, check you are looking, then they can do their thing. I'm surprised they don't have little tattoos and piercings just to make sure.
French beans and Cheshire cheese grilled on 'reduced' baguette. Swiss chard, garlic, onion, tin of tomatoes, bay leaves, thyme, olive oil, salt, pepper, all hovering, forever uneaten, in literary space.
Di Marco PRIMITIVO limited edition £6 was £8! from Tesco
And Grasshoppers
I'm in trouble. Italian, screw top, zero bum hole, first taste is wet, metallic, like licking a pewter tankard that's been sitting in an antique shop unsold for years. Sometimes I think these European winemakers get a spoonful of old jam, add loads of water, a tiny bit of moonshine, shake it up and voila: £8 a pop! Sometimes I think this European wine making is done in a garage in Tottenham with the Italian labels printed by some naughty lads on grand-dads dusty pc. I have been drinking different wine that I like for a week or so now, while dealing with my art show details, mostly choosing repetitions of wine already reviewed. Now back at my writing-single-bed-desk I've had to pick this: something new. I was urged to write again because I spotted the only new insect I've seen in London for a week.
The grasshopper has to be the most versatile and formidably gifted of all insects, thus far unreviewed. They mostly walk about unnoticed and in a strange, insect gentry way, slow and studious, a bit arrogant. They can make an amazingly quiet/loud washboard noise using their 2 massive/tiny back legs, they can fly, they can rocket themselves off like a scaled down cruise missile, using only leg power with some greenery for fuel. If they were much bigger we'd be in real trouble, but their only design weakness is they don't eat meat, whereas we flightless, rubbish at jumping, unwashboard-bodied humans eat everything. I ate a fried locust once it was bloody nice. A locust is a grasshopper that has swarmed and become a nightmare, it is only renamed to heighten it's threat level. It's like calling a few reclining hippies, when they swarm, extremists.
Since I'm drinking this shit wine mostly for altruistic literary reasons, I have to include something totally unrelated, as extra gift. I grow a lot of courgettes, and every year I wonder why. Mmmm, green condoms full of wet toilet paper! So, get the tasteless dick, slice it longways into a series of clown insoles, salt both sides, hang them outside separated for 5 hours, they will bleed out water, and become bloody delicious.
This wine tastes like it was made in a laboratory, as weedkiller, but it got re-branded because it was too harmful to wildlife.
A Grasshopper just jumped up near to my hanging courgettes, i like to think it was checking out the intelligent design competition. As it looked, it rubbed it's legs, which is a male mating signal, recognising me as decent provider, and food preserver. Problem is I'm not female, although this wine is having a bloody good try at converting all my current DNA.
Today i meant to go to the extinction rebellion march, but instead I've been pickling and preserving basil, courgettes etc. My Art work, my writing and my pickling is my rebellion. I can't do everything! I hope it went well. By that I mean I hope the protesters didn't act like gentrified insects. I hope when I wake up tomorrow as new woman, and switch on the news, i see Trafalgar square, Parliament, Buckingham palace, swarmed, eaten, gone.
Tomorrow I'm going looking for those pesky teens who ruined my evening and already threadbare genitalia.
Campo Viejo Rioja Tempranillo
£6.50 was £8!
And the Rose Chafer
There is something immediately comical about writing only about the strange bedfellows of wine and insects, it's a constraint, a reliable comfort zone and trap. I want to watch a's 18.38, so I'll give myself another absurd restriction, just for fun, finish by 8pm. I am familiar with this wine, i remember the sexy young 'French' waitress from ALLO ALLO coming to my house and nodding approvingly at this iconic familiar bottle, she invited me to her house in Spain, whatever happened to that? (this is true). There's a mushroom note, I'll skip the metallic thing often present in bargain wine. Cork, medium bum hole, I do like the egg yolk yellow and mediaeval script that is the 'Campo' brand. Tempranillo is like a temporary armadillo, which I also like, because it is nonsense, and true!
Ok the Rose Chafer, 2 words i have never joined before describes something I previously self named as 'emerald scarab' 'massive shiny green' 'wow, one of those big green fuckers'. Every year they nestle in my roses, and get pissed inside, and fall asleep, happy as Larry in soft scented white sheets. They become so docile you can pick them up without any protest then put them on your finger and go to any imaginary hip hop party and feel right at home. They are the size of one of our bigger coins, not quite 2p but they do have a coppery shimmer added to the bluey green incomprehensibly shiny hippy shop trinket vibe. I have no idea how they just appear as massive beetles, I haven't seen a small one. I will research. The large white grubs feed on the roots of cool-latitude grasses, thanks internet, but that's missing out on the drunken sex part, maybe for the best.
Cavelo Nero chopped finely, with garlic, miso paste and tomato puree, chopped old beetroot, boiling water. Eaten with very stale olive ciabatta dunked. Some burnt haloumi in tupperware as back up, unneeded as yet.
It's 7pm. One of my formulas/recipes in writing is to repeat things. This repetition, happens in most art forms and acts as reassurance, like a rocking lullaby, a drum beat, a chorus, a politicians oratory. GET BREXIT DONE, so unmusical in itself, but repeated, it becomes part of the family, then it becomes annoying, but it is family, so you can't hate it, because we're all in it together: this human conciousness mess. Repetition is clearly artificial, but comforting, try listening to a pop song, classical music, looking at any art form that doesn't feature this structural scaffolding. Without it we would all drown at sea.
I'm cheating a bit this evening, according to another self imposed rule, to describe 2 things in my ken. There are no new insects where I live: an abandoned single story new-build-style respite care unit in North London (true) surrounded by concrete and unhappy plants.
So in order to write I've had to project myself to recent encounters at the biodiverse allotment, where there are lots of great insects, but no laptop, no bed to sit on, no table with wine on, but loads of wrinkly egomaniacs who need to assert themselves thereby making any writing/thinking/observation impossible. We're all in the allotment together, it's not nice. It's 19.17, i'll have a fag and see if I can come back and make this piece feel better, it's a bit of a fudge. Wine, beetles, repetitions, and totally unnecessarily self imposed 43 minute micro drama deadline?
When i go outside to repeat smoking, I see the same paving slabs, a greenish metal shed and some plants I'm growing near a wheelbarrow full of water. It's always the same, it's always a bit different. In the wheelbarrow Mosquito larvae are doing sit ups to propel themselves down or wherever, an orange fringed Slug is eating some basil flower heads I chucked on the ground today. If we don't have any familiar foothold, how can we notice the small changes? Without repetition, we are always in panic survival mode, seeing every thing as threatening stranger.
Maybe art is only affluence residue, what we do with spare time in the luxury void? There is nothing very comforting and funny about voids. So lets laugh at the artifice of trying to be honest. It's 19.37. The Halloumi has entered the fray (welcome salty stranger!) and now The Client! which is 'a fast paced thriller, about a Rose Chafer in possession of vital information about a politicians murder who must rely on a lawyer to protect it'. (BOLLOCKS!)
MOST WANTED South African MALBEC 2019 £5.50 was £7.50!
And Fruit Flies
This has to be my last review, I've run out of respite care unit insects and my liver really hurts. It is perhaps fitting that my last insect is a big wine drinker. Do insects have livers? Do they have traumas that they are hiding with alcohol abuse? Bullied as maggot? Lost parents in a storm? Or in Spider nightmare, 'I watched them slowly die'. Sometimes I find a Fruit Fly in my wine sea, motionless un-rescued, shark food. A massive finger comes down and lovingly cradles them out, then flicks them with a godly whip to a skirting board or floor open grave. They are bloody annoying, hatching out of my pears, little sugar freaks, horrible yellowy fatso's with tiny wings. But admirably focussed. We only like fruit, we don't like veg, or cheese, or raw steak.
I find the Most Wanted label annoying. Massive M and below it W, black on white. It is like a moutain reflected in a lake, and it's 'most wanted', which is flagrant miss-selling, or like: 'you want me' oh piss off I'm doing insect reviews. Forgetting the label and name MW Malbec is just fine, no big deal. Screw top, small but not unpleasant bum size, I quite like it, I can taste a wooden farm gate, with just a blue nylon hoop keeping it closed. Oh shit there's a bull, it's ok, it's just a fruit fly, charging at you, it's gone into your ear, there's no fruit in there mate. Outside a white combed vagina cloud is moving slowly to the right, with horizontal stripes behind and some grey fluffy weirdos below. I am a fruit fly, coming back to wine, again and again. Blood of Christ. What did Jesus of Nazareth have to say about insects? You are one, a piece of sinful shit. Jesus was a thick fuck, ignorant of all species, he didn't even know how to be a human. Freak. If he was an insect he would be a praying mantis, but we don't have them round here by the respite care unit. Be nice to all insects, this is a better bedside bible, dead simple and I didn't even get a crown! Cheers ignorati x.
everywhere you go in London
there are these strange martian men
short hair grey-blue tracksuits
ugly, pale, blind, blank
language like slicing
faces like potatoes
meat slab bodies
fat legs apart
not talking to the locals
no need
they are here to do
work workers used to do
before successive tory governments
made housing here a job-less trap
now we need the potato men
to do work workers can't do
because they had a culture
that made them complain
about food, wages, housing
they'll sort it
they work really hard
and obey like grateful dogs
put all their plastic food
bags and beer cans in the skip
not like the old ones
with punk hope
music politics
and working brains
funny hair art love
mashing our poor history!
ugly, pale, blind, blank
swinging potato London!
everyone screaming
I have heard
but never seen the cuckoo
little birds rarely do
too focused on their work
feeding a massive grey tit
that moved in
and killed their kids
when you google* cuckoo
first is a broadband company
then a tv programme
then Netflix original
then series 1 bbc three
then bbc three
then RSPB
cuculus canorus click
brood parasites
common habitat
London palaces
and silicon valley
conservation status red!
good news!
fly away parasites
* use a parasitic tax-avoiding company to sift through linked information bullies to find a few lost honesty eggs
200000 for a terraced house
60000 for a caravan
1000 a month for a shithole
while I'm earning nothing
There is nothing left
to hope for here
except for
this self build
worry stack
word home
I'm hiding
in a mess of
thicko lying
shit head brick laying
No more life
No more dark wine
No starry night
knockout punch
I'm so tired of spinning
Czech women screaming
throwing greasy beetroot
hospital doors banging
Russian men shout talking
near shit sprayed disabled toilet
A Latvian is pacing
like nazi nurse
A Welsh man is cursing
an Irish fisherman coughing
We are all freezing
in new-build bin
waiting for the lorry
So turn on
classic FM
saccharine violin
twisted TV
theme tunes
adverts are hammering
my glass splinter bed
my liver is awake
cuddling mummy lungs
and all my heavy bowel ropes
are tying my English limbs
into crash positions
Is it night day?
or day night?
shit wing flap
I can't earplug
All the screaming
Internet bully lying
Fatty tooth whitening
Lycra selfish selfies
shame pissing
I'm stuck still
need a black pill
industrial farmland
poor throat cutting
in space silence
of satellite limbs flying
all the dodo wings
start flapping
Andy Burnham and Caroline Lucas please take over
bomb big bollocks Ben
and the gothic cobwebs of Westminster
Should we try new short-term ZOOM governments from random pubs?
to govern Britain properly?
I.E. Nobody grotesquely
Saying only
which was like saying
AND everyone yelped YES!
all immigrants out?
all our billions back?
the last election
it was our personal
economies stupid
a lost sense
of fair
This government has
a one policy mandate
that mass image lie fuck
BABY BORIS mirror spunk
can we talk about the complex future now?
Vote freshly on that?
We will need a clean media if this silly democracy idea is to be repeated
I don't trust the salt of the earth I phone bullied TV clean dickhead masses anymore
bullied by minority media megaphones
Believing hairdo headlines is a crime
Not looking beyond your village window is a crime
Let's hear what the window people think,
then ignore it
Let's hear what the headline experts think,
then ignore it
Could our sapiens status get any more lost?
We should have written a legal green bible 2000 years ago
but now we're out of time
We make life/death decisions at roulette tables
fucked up lobbying, back-handers, hidden agendas
lottery picked zero hours casino workers
with a few random footballer policy tweets spinning
and a clean ball thrown the opposite way
There will be no-one to blame
apart from the footballers
Full of bouncy policy ideas
written down while watching TV
High on back post hairdo headers
swiping websites
the helpful treasure
knowledge is buried
somewhere fun
can you find it?
under ganged websites
spy ads and cookies
and bouncer blocks
you must pay to know
That your wit is fading
old hope shit sold
to greedy pigs
(sorry pigs)
buying up all
ancient stone
family homes
slipped in
hedge portfolios
The 'clever' ones
have decided
to kill everything
it's money nature!
so no one notices
the old hanging
the new dragged
naked into the wet
pinned up
by their snouts
like moles
flat little
baby socks
Next day BBC news, amidst covid torture lock down hell, the expert on everything 'Wills' swampy 'Windsor' is now telling us about the environment! Are you going to pay for our little plots of land so we can feed ourselves healthily and cleanly then? People like you are the problem 'mate'. All squillionaires: return all our money or SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Dear Mr Attenborough, shame on you for allowing yourself to become money laundering butler service for this very dirty brand.
Trump appears again, thanks Auntie Beeb! Where's the Paedo prince? Any news?
According to the BBC, The Beatles are 4 Islamic terrorists. Please just laugh when the 'news' interrupts your dancing.
I was listening to 6 music, punching the air and dancing a bit, to get fit, waking up. The BBC news team have been wankers for years, but today the 2 biggest blonde liars are given all the publicity oxygen headlines. Trump has dominated the news for 4-5 days now, for being a racist, liar, coronavirus spreader, and Boris, who called environmental activists "uncooperative crusties" is diverting attention away from incompetent government and wooing us with wind farms. These two paragons of virtue being joyously promoted has stopped me dancing. The BBC news always does, the lazy corrupt 'journalism', makes me switch to another station or turn the volume down really quickly. The reality most of us are suffering, never appears, real stats, real science, real investigative journalism. It's posh twitter, with adverts for royals and celebrities making cakes, new books or whatever. It's a thick mix, slopped out onto our breakfast plates every day. Eat that! The overpaid private school kids say. Is it sheer rudderlessness? Or new dead journalism? Is it fear of job security? Too frightened to say something frightening? Well this moral void is a lot more scary. Silent complicity from ALL presenters on BBC TV and radio. Even footballers and celebrity chefs have more moral fibre and care than these freaks:
Gary Lineker - £1,750,000-£1,754,999.
Zoe Ball - £1,360,000-£1,364,999.
Graham Norton - £725,000-£729,999.
Steve Wright - £475,000-£479,999.
Huw Edwards - £465,000-£469,999.
Fiona Bruce - £450,000-£454,999.
Vanessa Feltz - £405,000-£409,999.
Lauren Laverne - £395,000 - £399,999.
I suppose this might be the reason to keep quiet. Gary Lineker, for example, possibly one of the least talented ugly witless people in the world is paid the most. Everyone knows a 15 year old could do his 'job' better, anyone could, even without any football knowledge, but that's not the point. It is a rare gift he has, and all the others too, to have such flexible spines. How else could they get so deeply lost up their own arses? Or are they paid to keep quiet and this is their real 'talent'?
In food-bank covid-austerity Britain, how can they smile and scoop up this much public funding, without saying thanks. Like our overpaid polititians. Why do they not say or do anything for the little people who pay them? It's because reality doesn't exist for them. Our news is torture, but theirs is a mountain stream of fellow yellowy celebrity tweets, which then get dribbled down to us like greasy left overs from the superior Darwinian sparkly dress party. Do they really think they are 'special', really good looking and hilarious? They are not. They are ugly monsters, who laugh at anything.
There is a great sickness in the world, that has been left to grow untreated for decades now. Greed and narcissism permeates all. This is the news. Must we all retrain and learn this new post-truth skill? Or do we switch off and stop paying to view? It would be a shame to lose some dwindling 'good' but that is an increasingly rare BBC quality. Mostly it's air-head trash made to make us greedy and vain, and chubby, folded into foolish cake moulds by intellectual poverty, or buttery complicity with free markets. The BBC is not free though, it doesn't even need adverts! So why does it need be so lost and cruel, and if the public is paying shouldn't we get to vote on these wages, and constant celebrity masturbation.
Today, 'Boris' is talking about 'change' It's another crass bullshit sentiment dropped into a farm bucket. He knows it's animal food. In our politics and drunken homes, we must re-learn to be critical of the uncritical, shout at the moral silence spread from multi-branded millionaires, and cut ourselves free from narcissistic celebrity and political norms. The 15 year olds are watching and learning: how to be animals.
It's quite complicated, first source your egg. I was about 8 when i first started to draw 'real' things, I remember finding my 'etch a sketch' bloody annoying, so I got these hinged caliper things that could copy photographs by tracing the shape one end and the robot pencil at the other end would act the same! They were shit. So I drew a grid and copied each little square, like a robot boy. I copied lots of photographs like this. Making 'portraits' of Hollywood people, like Linda Evans from Dynasty, Robert Mitchum, pretty model women and wrinkly old men. I thought I was a great artist because I could catch the little bit of light reflected in an eye (they were very detailed) copying photos became a bore, I knew I was cheating, like a pretend egg-head, showing off to people who didn't know the first thing about art, but who admired my patience and mad focus, treating me like a glowing divinity, calling me a 'bloody genius'. I smiled and went along with it, and continued to impress with my 'reality' period. Digital watches, shoes, oranges, and eggs. Anything small and still would receive my genius treatment, soon they would all float on a white page looking really 3-D! In pencil or watercolour, or water-based pencil crayons, I could do it all! But the egg troubled me.
How to draw an egg. Get an egg, try your parents fridge and look for a clean one, all those speckly bits, little glued feathers should be avoided, what we're aiming for is 'pure enlightened form, and total affluent illusion'. Look at how light is coming at this thing from one side and hitting it hard and directly at one little point, and less so, in varying degrees, elsewhere! For a while it confused me why the very bottom of the egg, which should have been the darkest, had a lighter aspect along the edge, I applied this weird 3-D trick to other objects but often it didn't work, some things were really black at the bottom, like the shoe. My life moved on, I put the eggs back in the fridge and shiny 70's shoes to one side and did lots of self portraits, the chin area often doing a similar voodoo to the egg, why was my chin light blue? I was wearing a blue T shirt. It was the light reflected back up from the T shirt! Like the white page that I had put the egg on! Eureka! Enlightenment does not come from one single light source.
I quite liked Impressionism back then but I thought they were being lazy, thrashing about too fast, poor victims of the moving sun, and consequently not filling things in properly. I preferred Holbein, Vermeer, Durer, that detail, enabled by a steady interior light, I can see that life out/in death difference now. I always liked Van Gogh, he was a confusing bandaged egg. Like a sunny impressionist, only there was this magical solidity, which got me but i didn't know why. The colours too, so frank, BRIGHT YELLOW BANG, ICE BLUE WHACK, but the drawing was still exacting, it wasn't Kandinsky slack abstraction, and it wasn't uptight rendering. He made things look SO ALIVE! SO UNLIKE my egg drawings, which were so alone, even when done in lively ballpoint hatching, mine evoked hermetic death, sitting there on a funereal cushion of white paper.
How to draw an egg? You draw it next to another egg, and other things, maybe a person (you are never alone dear egg). A Velasquez(?) painting describes my early conundrum, shared by him it seems, clearly a gifted young man, but he chooses a 'still life' with eggs, garlic, fish then adds a portrait of old woman looking at a young woman nearby (a human still life). The result is a bit wooden, but the egg suddenly becomes enlivened. Not lonely, and now metaphysical: it's not just shell light! The egg is birth-waiting: NEW LIFE, but only because it has been placed next to near-death. He had cracked it! I hadn't.
How to draw an egg? Before you draw you need to stare and think, what is this life-thing really? Then act accordingly, knowing you don't really know. One option would be to ask beforehand: is this a responsible way to spend your egg-life-time? You could walk away and smile and air-kiss an old woman who wants to wave at you from a hospice window instead? Or ask, as you start doing the delicate outlines, is it YOU, in fact, with blue chin, that is a dead-egg-nut, attempting to do this silly mechanical rendering task? Alive, metaphysical or Impressionistic? It's all stupid pointless shit now, made only for bewitching thick visceral idiots, which should be a criminal offence.
How to draw and egg? Draw yourself: studious and stylish, with your many windowsill pencils, brushes and rubber friends. Indoors, alone, and unfertilised: with stripey top, jazz haircut and blue rimmed glasses, wanting to be seen and loved. GET REAL. You are totally scrambled, affluent, untalented and never truly hungry enough to do this analytical job properly. Draw that grim fact exactingly, or get out and do something real and loving quickly. It's too late for egg sketching.
How to draw an egg? Snap all your pencils, remortgage your inherited real estate wealth and paint, with other colourful contemporary artists, a clean new world form, intolerant of all stupid time-wasting illusions.
Neither side dare say anything but 'nice clean LIFE'. Wash hands, keep distance, save lives. No-one wants to say SOME-COVID-DEATHS. That would be political suicide, so we wait. All cancer patients backlogged, kidneys, blood clots, heart attacks, suicides, scrunch up at the traffic lights, businesses going under, all families tortured by uncertainty, we wait, we die. We jog or drink more, we go mad. More lock downs will do it, lock down, lock down, lock down, 6 months more, what then? More. It wastes a bit more time, the poker players are thinking, it's a serious game, you don't want to commit to 20 deaths a day, or 100. But as you wait, 1000 die anyway, but it's not recorded, so it doesn't exist. It's the Covid death toll that rings loudest and lowest. Ding bloody Dong. It's like Brexit again. Blah, bunch of fucking liars, Blah. Only those wank sounds in the palace of Westminster now. Otherwise silent playing cards. 10 of spades, so i'll play the 10 of spades. Oh you've thrown away the 10 of spades, i'll do that too then. You can't speak out, it means too much, saying 'cat' means you don't like dogs? How dare you, so you say dcagts, (cats and dogs). which means nothing. Firbshds, which is fish and birds, is the reply. Hmm yes that's cunning, let me think..'more lock downs'..phew yes..thank god. 'Concrete masks!' Oh shit that's good. 'Only 2 people in a household per conversation', nice! What does that mean? It doesn't matter as long as the suited hairdo's are saying something, and they are not seen to be torturing and softly killing hundreds, thousands, millions, of previously semi-healthy people.
Will somebody please board up the palace of Westminster casino, with all the big-brain card players locked inside, give them their cherished political vacuum conclusion. There must be not 1 survivor, to reinvigorate the 'zombie narcissus' silent killer virus. About 60 million of us have had enough of elasticated spinning platitudes, disguised as leadership now by random state bullying. Fuck off with your dystopian lock downs. A few more old and vulnerable people will die, or should we kill the whole of the next generation instead? Lots more people in impoverished areas will be the next 'Covid' victims, but that much bigger death trap has been the (nice clean LIFE) case for a long time now. Shhhhhhhuuussshhhh.
Spitting Image is coming back, the new rubber masks look shit. I was thinking of doing some illustrations for a new book about insects and alcoholism which includes some current affairs. If Trump or Boris had to be drawn, how would I do that? I don't want to see any more of them, so for Trump I thought an orange square, and Boris a pink circle or a potato. Then I thought about Malevich and his peasant language of simplified forms, then of Trump and Boris's peasant simplifications in policy and image, then: oh shit, not only have they learned how to speak 'peasant' they have also mastered the art of appearing as simplified shape. Then I thought, in future our leaders will just be colourful platonic shapes, saying only things an algorithm has sensed from our emails, to appease us, while doing shitty things in private, as usual. Margaret Thatcher looked like a horrible round biscuit and Tony Blair like a fish from the darkest deepest sea, both entertaining as images, for a while. The big problem for politicians is ageing. A sour old hair biscuit is not nice, and a monster from the deep can only be hilarious for a few years. Geometric shapes are the way forward, they are timeless. Look at circular Churchill. I rest my case. Abraham Lincoln had the symmetry thing nailed, Hitler had worked out how to use simple modern shapes, choosing to become 1 curve with a tiny square nearby. For Trump as his face sags and hair thins he must stay focused on 'orange square', and use all his money and make-up to maintain this solid form. Likewise Boris must keep up the calorie intake, a thin Boris won't work, he must be fat lipped, potato faced, above all else. It's a shame, Keir Starmer has much to learn. I do think the Labour party doesn't really understand Art or image power, they still think ideas, or a healthy looking person succeeds, that is totally missing the point. If Jeremy Corbyn had pushed the hair and beard out into spherical hair ball, or gone full-on-wild-tramp he would be in power now. Kier Starmer is in trouble, he could go rectangle, but sphere beats rectangle everyone knows that. Boris has the sphere but he also has BORIS, which is his main sales pitch, not the hair. B, B, B Boris. B is a baby noise, it's maternal and bubbley, blubbery like Boobs. Kier is 1 syllable which is great but it's hard, like 'car' at best. Starmer is his only hope, free advice, try a star shaped hair cut and drive lots of sexy vintage cars. The dangerously close Wallace and Gromit folly must not be repeated (Ed Milliband). Pick a good solid primal shape and stick to it. It's a sad FACT, people like simple, solid shapes, since almost all other things in life are beige and wobbly. Intellectual babies are very willing receivers of all generously subliminal bullying images, blissfully unaware of (or happily in-tune with) funny art voodoo and timeless cartoon power mongering.
I started visiting Poundland in Lowestoft, where there are many related versions of this pinnacle brand, selling mostly cheap rubbish. At first I was reluctant, snobbish, now I am a big fan, addicted even. Poundland is the best. In Poundland there are treasures to be uncovered. It's fun! Yesterday 2 large 'kilner' jars for pickling, bam £2. Potato fertilizer, which turned out to be chicken manure pellets that cost £8 in the garden centre £1, Laundry gel that I'm not allergic to £1. Not everything is £1 wierdly, Poundland keeps you on your toes. Some things are £3, some are 50p. Mastic filler, white spirit (when they have it-it doesnt last long) LED bulbs, all £1! It makes a mockery of normalized high street prices. It doesn't make sense, out of date? No! Secretly toxic/cancerous? Don't know! Can we know that in any shops really? I'm surprised other shop owners don't gang outside Poundland with placards, throwing bricks, screaming 'UNFAIR COMPETITION'. The only downside to Poundland is you have to take a risk with your life, there is an argument/toxic incident roughly every third visit. Yesterday I instigated it: 'this is the queue mate', pointing to a rag tag line behind me, who had conveniently for that moment broken ranks. The lady in front of me had left the gap in front of her grow to about 5 yards so this dude skipped in. I can see how he thought it wasn't a queue, I said quickly: 'oh forget it, you go ahead' but he got very excited. It ended with me saying 'calm down mate' and him screaming 'CALM DOWN!!!?' Poundland is not just a shop, it's a way of life.
mud splat
back yard
footy sock
snail hammer
shammy leather
pint of bitter
Austin Allegro
Nana Mouskouri
spotted dick
you're not extinct
20 yards away
jump the fence
fat lad
coal drop
chocolate leaf
card shark
lit fuse beak
low priest
vintage noir
Di Chirico
run and stop
tucked in dark
dusk ivy
ear splitting
dick head
bedsit karaoke
every man bird
chuck yourself
drunk fool
into a hedge
flying cheap
office shoe
Money is truth and truth money, that is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know.
The defining quality of all species is lonely madness. Floundering, needy ,wobbly, chatty, dribbling madness.
Who was it who first rubbed sticks together to make fire? An inquiring thicko monkey artist or a bored hairy idiot?
It is clear the numbers don't add up, they haven't for a while, nor the morality. Nor the rich wankers who are warping our brains, leading us to division and death. Nothing gets better by watching box-sets.
We are all new mutations, we talk in an attempt to calm all our tangled nerves and our differences. It doesn't work. We need to use new mutated words or shut the fuck up.
Covid 19 is an affluent panic spasm, the poor can't give a shit about it, death has always slept in every cheap crib.
If you do not use all your senses to recognise the outdoor complexities and idiosyncrasies of plants, the specific qualities and music of other people and species, the simple moral engineering of your environment: food, houses and engines, then you are truly lost. Dear victim, You can talk all you like but your words and thoughts stink like regurgitated adverts.
Talk more! Know less!
When you talk you aren't listening.
Love is shown by deeds not words.
Self isolation has always been a great skill of mine, I have always wanted to escape human sheep/pigs, full of radio lies and herd ignorance, endlessly troughing. Blown helplessly like parachuting soldiers and weed seeds by groundless media chat. As a child i used to disappear into drawing or piss off to the beach to stare at dead dogfish, jellyfish or hunt for crabs, even the wierd trench patterns and channels in the sand would keep me busy, anything that couldn't speak was refreshingly 'total bollocks' free.
Living in a pandemic has been problematic. Initially fearful of getting locked indoors in close contact with a bunch of housemate chatterboxes, I would go to the allotment to stay all day and return only to sleep. This was ok for a bit, until the allotment wilderness itself became the only place to go for the scared, retired, pensioned, baby boomer dicks who should ideally be in Italy seeing friends, going to Alaska on a whim or on a Nile cruise, seeing RA exhibitions or whatever the most affluent, damaging dunderheaded generation in history usually do. Some of the more spindly geriatrics are hiding at home thankfully, but everyone else is at the allotment. All lonely and lost they can't help bloody talking to each other about nothing, their poor death frightened selves and the horror of all that real-estate money wasting away in the bank, unspent! Sometimes they babble about gardening, or about viral changes, fake stats and queries about the future ad tedium.
Mostly it is sheer existential trapped in a massive house alone panic, it starts with "hello how are you?" If you reply you will be brain dead for an hour "oh that's awful Neal...ah yes I've been there...ho ho..." (what lost thousands because of a global pandemic? Had no hope of ever having decent housing, totally isolated in a shitty little room etc? YEH RIGHT!) The door has been opened and the grey shit strides in, they chat their brains off. Sometimes the whole wet sponge of it comes out with a pathetic seal pup flop, in the end I fake sympathy and kick the wet goo politely back on to their own plots.
There have been tears, frustrations, many arguments, newly developed hateful hello's and not enough deaths, sadly. None. Every dreary millionaire is sitting on their tiny shed porches, waiting to predate on any unsuspecting nieghbour or passer by. A flurry of notices fly up, about hand sanitizer, not touching the bolt on the toilet etc. We keep our distance, some old women get masked and gloved up and opt for 4 metres distancing, you can see the panic in them as you look in their direction: "can it be spread by eye contact?". "I think so. Quick, pretend you're weeding Sally"
I volunteer to build a storage shed for the allotment committee, it was clearly an error of judgement, but I drew a simple design and it was only a 3 or 4 days job, it was my mistake though to assume my 2 co-workers and fellow tenants were skilled, focused, kindly and not mentally ill. Instantly I got shouted at by a helmet haired South African Bore, she continued to torture me for the following month making everything complicated and problematic. I had to do the job myself because of her control-freak self-distancing panic, relying only on a wooly-headed old fart to get me the materials I needed which he managed to string out for week after week, always some excuse, as he plonked himself down next to me 4 times a day offloading his long great life smuggery. In the end, I made a barrier so he couldn't walk onto my plot, stopped opening the "hello" door, and just said "just get the fucking guttering and roofing felt". Of course he didn't, so I cobbled it together from tatty scraps, which took longer and looked a bit more shite than i'd have liked, but I gave up, got out. I told the site secretary afterwards, "I hereby resign from all allotment voluntary work and chatty committee twaddle".
Here, disenchanted, hateful, alone, I paddled off into a Kurtz-like swamp and shriveled in the sun-madness like a vampire sultana, arriving at the allotment before 6am, leaving at 10am before the 'how are you's?' arrive. Of course some are visibly worried as I clearly shrink and half run off when I see them. It just makes them ask more: "how are you?" with an extra tilted cow eye dog face. Of course they don't give a shit but it is what you are supposed to do, it is pantomime gurning, sometimes oscar winning fake caring, I walk away.
Old people are walking in the middle of the road, people are clapping nothing outside their houses, the national debate is deceased, replaced with simple moronic reactive chat spasms. Stay safe, you and your cosy Samsung advert family, keep away from the viral poor, those dirty, cash physical shopping scum. 'Jesus! don't speak to me dickhead, are you trying to invade and kill me with your conversation droplets you selfish fucker?' The hatred and class fear is palpable, all tempers are on the edge of coughing out big time, there's no choice: being laid back and chilled in lockdown is irresponsible behaviour. Uptight Tories are wanking furiously, they can't believe their luck, just as they were sadly rolling up their austerity posters, this homely global boarding school whipping vibe arrived. It feels like it's not going to go away either, we've all learned how to fear each other, it's hard to remember anything but selfishness, cruelty, isolation and smug greedy online cunts.
Like all ego-maniacal psychopaths, politicians and stock brokers, 'Covid' (an affectionate furlough mate for them) is a new opportunity. This sicko horizontal government is freely policy snoozing, making things up as they go along like teen jazz, throwing money at, and propping up what they like best (the past) and sniggering about the downfall of their enemy (the future) and educated creative people. Black Lives Matter has been the only intellectual beacon, symbol of critique and cultural regeneration.
The allotment commune used to be a rainbow for me, in Robin Hood dappled glade, lilting to social and environmental inclusion, level playing fields, a revolutionary sharing ecology culture. That has all gone now, the generous working class have been kicked out, and the thinkers thought 'bugger London'. Now it is perfect portrait of sanitized London corruption. Only real estate inheritors and benefit beneficiaries remain. There is no middle ground, only me and Joyce are stupidly busy working like dogs and paying stupid rents. Everyone else is loaded and idle, moving colourful brick things around like fat babies.
A 'community' shed has been built by a cowboy employing cheap immigrant labour that has cost a fortune. The old shed was ok, but some self acclaimed stylish vintage property owning oldies who used it to make themselves creative cakes and niche tea said it was a bit shabby so tens of thousands are wasted on a very similar new shithole. The poor allotment holders never used the old one, for tea and cakes, they won't use this one. But it was a voted committee decision, so that's all fair and good.
The committee is made up of the thickest spoilt rich old folk. These grey lords make a mountain mess of every simple nose-picking decision, their minds are bored-thick and bent. They have so much money and power no-one can tell them anything about anything, especially not smelly poor people.
Every year there is an in-house plot competition, the winners are always the wealthiest, they've paid tons on materials, compost, outside labour, it is always judged by friendly rich twits.
When competitions are analysed, like the olympics, football or even trade deals. The winning entity is always the richest. It is not chance, it is not superior national DNA or design, it has nothing to do with skill, talent or worth, it is not a surprising Roman spectacle. It is not a competition. It reveals who has the most money and idle time, which is decided by governments. This one has given everything to dim old folk and their headphone duvet offspring. I am watching the arts, music, comedy, invention, design and national debate becoming grey, rich, thick, nose-picking and seriously unfunny.
strike new roots
your extinction
your crucifixion
endless working
for crap
spit out
media poison
Austerity dead
pandemic dead
feed your freedom
dig up the roads
wipe your bum with leaves
go on benefits
don't rip your head off
to pay vicious rents
centuries of recession
and slavery
if you let them
land lord laugh
squeeze you tighter
battery chickens
fed sugary shit
zero hours alone
dear diabetes dandy
everyone out
trickle up
fuck U high bronzes
colonial killer ponces
hard back fake news
ugly Royal brain gun
meant to shrink you
YOU win all wars
YOU make new worlds
scratch YOUR face
on YOUR currency
UNITE starlings
UNITE green
organic hope
UNITE diversities
spit out geriatric
holy divisions
or you will be eaten
and all your children
driven mad
with hopeless
1 free person
1 free home
on learned land
a decent start
die no more darlings
for nothing
the sky children
blue blood
is plant food
the worst of you
is better
than the best
of them
nice shoes!
it's an insult
for the sixth toe?
city swarm
mirror born
high north
over 17
in overflowing
hospice head
abortion bouquet
full length black puffa
protect your fine china
cheap plastic
mutton skin
doddering to death
coffee deli nail bar
with gorgeous rare dog
for the corrupted hand
opening your money car
with blinding Hollywood
love me please headlights
for your lack of star quality
white leather seats
for your lycra arse
no yoga or jogging
can plump
and refresh
but LO!
money always on show
a new trainer rainbow!
for your grey
long haul flight
I phone twisted
posted trusted
liked by your cleaners
orange face
existential mutation
beard drawing
hairdo hat
catwalk loneliness
kindness allergy
for dead eyes
in dead cosmos
designer bag
for moral
all heart
christmas card
garden friend
sweetly say HI
sanguine pom-pom
market trader
ripping me off
at where I’ve
breaking the
of ripe worm
my giant
magic up
for you to
Italian sugar
operatic baby
ketchup bib
where’s my
ugly mother
pasta maker
easy money
soil bank
victory V
culture vulture
Sweaty grey
bargain jogger
purring fag end
diesel pitta
winged armadillo
spinning in gutter
pewter butter
dixie chicken
chip bone Nash
Arise Sun
bum knight
godfather of gory
dogshit Metro
fat headline
corrupt gunmetal
coughing spitfire
bird kebab
black canal
squeaky toy
you're so coot
cartoon bag of soot
with a headlamp
deep sea diver
hen night I phone
party bin liner
bored by a jogger
craft beard logger
titanium bike afloat
mum and dads narrow boat
from flyover I can see
your John Cleese legs
white green nazi
slalom water ski
bad rap
bad poem
bad photograph
bad art
bad graffiti
plastic circus
bloodshot boho
vicar of Camden
preaching comedy
chuffing childish
broken toy town
You need to keep still
to see nature shit out
from twanged branch
mr whippy
make painterly
torn frog corpses
its a joke
to visit idylls
in camouflage
train spotting
as if you're green
turn soil upside down
empty your bacon pockets
shut your pastie mouth
in the burning world
spinning in blizzards
of fun blood
nature love
call of duty
willingly freeze
eco martyr
to admire a crooked spider
spy head down
wall faces
I'm bog eyed
cardboard box
fuzzy Columbo
perched sparrow
London high art
yawning teeth
Camden mews bin
philosophy bum
rich rotters
slugging about
homeless base
tearing at everything
brexit claw
colonial Merlin
muscle memory
self sunk
old beef
oak grained
Tudor club
merry butcher
in racing green
climate bunker
the closed book
fat gut past
will die last
under armed guard
feeding on brains
who screamed
amazon murder!
from smart arse
leather sofa
bagged for
fucking life
happy new year
darling anal
shower gel
Ant focused
Albrecht Durer
Green air
Rowing boat
Munch screaming
Bosch knew your
Moss sod
Mushroom dance
Land licking
Tongue brush
Suckling back
Peasant noose
Dangle yourself
Brain damaged
In carnival mask
Robin hood
Scar face
Lift hat
Bow down
Mass mandated Tory
Lie leaves have fallen
On low lie leaves
5 more Gatling gun years!
I can't face
The grey rack
By the meal deals
I will go
And leaf through
The leafless trees
Hollow myself
In blind high oak
Can poor art be meaningful?
Is it even possible to make now?
I am clinging on
Sometimes upside down!
Skull hammering
Tree hugging
Wood typing
Jungle drumming
Sometimes frozen
About to fall
Bright black
On bright white
High cloaked
Did you hear?
A little monarch
Is hiding
From the pig paparazzi
Testing the truth
Knowing somewhere near
A populace of tuber mites
Are squirming under
Thick bark duvet
Grave digger
NJ 2019
Up to something?
When spotted
You say
Like Boris
Tan suit
White shirt
Ice blue tie
Tiny brogues
Jewel hunter
Sea shore
Probing at dusk
Probing at dawn
Worm grass
Signalling twilight
In parenthesis
Your massive
Bent sabre
Looks stretched
Like the earth
Drew you down
Deeper than the others
Well hung
Darn those needling
Castrated seagulls
Giant English
Field towels
Shrink and soften
Into wet bath mats
Walled by grass sods
Piled up centuries
Of hand washed socks
Shitty and salty
Mostly goaty
Spade faced
Nibbling weedy
Bitten wefts
Sung through
Parabolic warps
Hedge brushes ground
By sea wind teeth
Glum tractor dragons
Puff and spill
Bits of silage hill
Where horned kids fall
From hippy van
And plunge
Green and brown
Into kelp
Laughing surfing
Like gliding snakes
Unharmed by saints
No-one is
coastal bird
the waves
yellow beach
brown tide line
along the sea wall
all entrepreneurs
the unnoticed
speed legs can’t be
by smartphones
when you abruptly
yourself off
a sharp
sand and
Gormley vanity
like Midas
the coastline
sorry little landscape
dump this lump on you
him so indelicately
a sad steel portrait
how we won’t
Tim Berners Lee wants to clean up the internet, get the truth back, get rid of the trolls and misinformation. The newspapers are backing him, because they know what is really real and we populist scum don't. Who has the right to speak and spread information? Only the state, religious leaders and media moghuls with big printers and distribution networks? Wealthy forces have always dominated our mental spaces, and power structures, always writing us out of history. Now familiar forces are warping, spying, manipulating the free, hippy dippy internet, asserting similarly brutish control over an increasingly polluted notion of democracy.
Should we trust embedded global institutions more than the invisible little old electrician down the pub? Surely not on the install of a new dimmer switch and what it's like being a little old electrician? Depends on how much they've had to drink maybe? I believe we all have important experience and expertise to pass on, even if it is sometimes a bit dim. Niche experiences are easily offered up now, even bland photos of food. What of the trolls and threats? It's more than disturbing to experience expressions of hate, scams and angry mysticism, but they all exist, and always have! They are real, and everywhere! Murderous swine are here dwelling with us, sleeping with us, having power over us, they are not just on the internet. It's the silencing of wounds and wants left untended that cause bitterness, fury and wild violence. Hate is not made by catharsis, even when it's with weird Nazi paraphernalia.
Our semi democratically elected government, for instance, have in recent times, revived the enlightened media skill of confident lying. Helped by the centuries old precedent of insulting and ignoring all poor and especially desperate voices. The resultant Brexit balls-up is an all too boring example of this long sick harvest. Dismissing the diaspora and dictating has always been a dangerous strategy, like the willful spreading of untruths for short term gains. With fearful opinions flying, from high and low, we need to trust something or someone now more than ever. Where do we plant our feet so that we might survive the shit storm? Or should we cast ourselves off altogether and sail with the nonsense of it all. All lost together forever, as passive as ever?
In the library a smelly shouty couple know how to hack into Facebook accounts, and what it's like to be banned from seeing their kids and to lose all the photos of them on their phones, and have no record of them, but they appear to know very little about how hard it is to concentrate in a library when people are shouting all the time while smelling of something disturbing. Perhaps they are secretly expert at this too, finding other people's discomfort an amusing assertion or form of revenge? I sat there suffering their suffering, quietly letting them be heard. It was an experience both surprising, annoying and sad, and sadly sniffable.
To be heard is almost the quintessence of power. The most powerful are always heard, by many. The least powerful can't even whisper to a friend. Most of us don't exist for this reason, until we vote, or protest, or riot. We vote, protest and riot to be heard, to exist, especially when our leaders are deaf to our concerns. The poorest have been silent for millennia, without history, without representation. They just work for us all silently, leaving unread messages in pipelines, brick walls, steel structures, farmland, clean windows, upholstery, boxed sandwiches. These background people aren't stupid, they just trusted they were low born, or more likely, had only one simple life/death mouse click choice.
A yawning state official, if they are awake, should have experience of the law, media, lobbyists, constituents, dribbling Lords and wobbling ideologies. In this very specific focus they will consequently be entirely ignorant of filthy jobs, squalour management, daily housing and street trudging. Who do we trust then on the subject of reality? Should we trust someone in guarded and gilded palaces with fine dining and easy media access or someone involved in a raw plastic survival, unhygienic and unheard? It depends what you want to learn, both are useful if you are interested in history, reality and the cosmos.
I suggest we try to hear all fairly, then learn as species from it all, who to trust.
Everyone knows something, and is an expert of their specific mutated world, here is the internet ideal of a weird world talking to each other. It is a shame that this new history book is so easy to warp, especially by the powerful, to spread misinformation, division and hatred.
While investigating a primer for my steel boat, I waded through internet websites wanting to sell me their stuff, and forums wanting to debate it all. I talked to a hundred people. Everyone had a different opinion. Who do you trust? I had an opinion, and have some experience, everyone seemed to have some experience, of certain paints working and not working. Who do you trust? I gambled and lost. So, I wandered as stranger around the myriad boatyards here for advice about paint, craning and boat storage prices. I talked to a hundred people: everyone had a different opinion. Who do you trust? The people and places were all different, with differing facilities, differing prices, differing advice, differing cranes and the owners all with differing economic, physiological, political and psychological qualities. Who do you trust? It is a lot of information to sift if you can bear it. It's all too much really, like the internet. 2 were booked, 1 too expensive and vague, so far 3 have betrayed my trust thus far. The internet is untrustworthy, so is arriving by antique bicycle, smelling, chatting, thinking, doing the math's, shaking hands. What's my point? As someone uncomfortable with this new smartphone reality, I'm strangely defending the democratic ideal of the internet! Because reality sends us message mad too! The marbled details and personal traumas of individuals are wildly complex, on the ground and on any device.
It seems to me the greatest crimes that are impacting our fluxing present are the centuries of insulting misinformation that for most of us has become intolerable, clearly wrong and totally untrustworthy. This is why we share pictures of REAL kittens and REAL pasta, for us it's a new royal feeling, suddenly we exist! Finally, we can show our silly selves? Little solo brands that resonate, sing sweetly and get trusted, or ignored and unfriended.
What is a trusted brand now? I can't think of one. Greggs maybe? Hot pastry with very salty goo inside. Sometimes it's cold though, and the amount of filling varies a bit! Mercedes used to build solid, reliable cars, now it sells bad design for old reputation prices. Brand United Kingdom? It had a colonial slave boom, and made quality engineered products, solid, aesthetic, trusted. Now it makes flakey pastry broadcasts, and very little else. It can only spin itself as colourful temperate museum. At least that is honest.
Brands understand trust as notion, they build their reputations and empires on it. After the brand is planted and slowly grown, often making a loss, they take the piss and milk the profit harvest. They get lazy, rest on their laurels and the brand fades. You stop trusting them.
It's hard to trust anything or anyone now. What about a banana? Too straight, small, or green/brown? Is it fair trade? Can we know that really? Is the plastic recyclable, what does that mean? That it burns well? We have to trust our senses, our pockets, the importer, and the logic that a business would fail if it openly lied, surely? More complex to trust are the things in boxes advertised on the internet, we only have surface labels, and maybe some seller stars, so we check the sellers brand, do we trust them? Like watching a five-star shit film, we gamble and lose half the time. Can we trust our friends and the people we love? Yes, for about 7 years, then they get lazy, rest on their laurels, they've learnt how to sell to you, they get lazy, they betray you. You go elsewhere.
Products today look nice but they turn out to be shit. People today look right but they turn out to be shit. Both are hard to get your money back for, without serious self-harm. There are some trusted things and people that are still decent, and can be trusted: they are usually made slowly and with honour. These people and places have become rare, they are usually selling wax jackets, brogues, or a £300 umbrella. Because our marketplace changes so fast, and you are mainly not loaded or interested in an English aristocrat uniform, you are more likely to gamble elsewhere, and lose. You must use the empirical approach to trust things and the people you don't know. When you are poor, the gamble gets even more risky. Trust becomes very thin on the ground, unless you are very creative you will buy, meet and eat rejects, and you will consequently shout about it at your family in the library. There will be very few people and places you can trust. You are a pawn, designed to fall and disappear early.
Yesterday a friend and I agreed that our allotment gardens were the one place that we felt OK, and safe. That we trusted those bits of ragged land more than anything else we knew was surprising. The sun is always too hot or too cold, it’s always too wet or dry and things just die for almost no reason. It's a wicked gamble growing things, but there is an underlying truth, that does not need to brand itself, shout or tweet. Everything wants to grow and be happy, and it does so without religious law, money, and politics, and it continues to be generous, intriguing and beautiful, without you or anyone else's trusted input.
I wrote this start about six months ago, and remember getting pretty confused about what I was saying and feeling lost at sea, so I bedded it as sunken thoughts. For me; big, swarming, changing subjects can take a long time to get hold of. I am much more comfortable talking about what is familiar and shimmering before me, and writing short, half comedies about it. But after re reading I think this is not such an awful start, and worth a try because I think this subject will need editing for me and others for a long time to come, and probably in court.
I was prompted to look at it again by a radio debate with 4 journalistic behemoths on this similar squirming subject. All well-bred, slightly slick, slightly slimy but fairly well trusted: so I listened. They were typically moany about the internet, branding it a haven of misinformation and SHOUTY WHITE MEN. As I had written, I found this to be an annoying characterization, and horribly dismissive of the democratizing potential of this new cubist information tool. I could understand their frustration as students of politics and economics to be continually held to account by drunken electricians, but from here it felt like more a defence of sheltered priestly doctrine and old power structures. With more hacked accounts, fake identities, linked by kitten pictures, fake news and the sheer sea madness of it all, I think the future problem will not be with the SHOUTY little PEOPLE, but with the easy corruption of all messengers. It could be these suited and smug political talking heads will regain their moral authority, power and trust, but only when they have put as much journalistic research into the poor and shouty as they have into the rich and shouty.
Oxford Street
Cave walls
Plastic jewels
Animal shapes
Crazed ergonomics
Tech specs
Tensile strengths
O trainer god
Super cool
Colour combos
£160 clown feet
acid rave shitness
all trippy techno
If only governments
and bendy artists
could simulate
trainer creators
playing with layers
of washable weaves
shaded neon honeycomb
rubberiod Martian
running platforms
O you lucky feet
I'm in Eden
fondling forest flowers
it's a hothouse education
you need a sporting phd
to survive without sweating
much harder than any gallery visit
I've seen much worse painting
anguished multi media sculptures
tattoo teen trainee
smiles hi boss!
which means old fart
bright hydrated face
You need to be fit at
six pack skate park hip
fierce femur hoop jumper
icons of urban church
sneer down
like stained glass
if you're not cool
we'll kick your ass
I'm too unfit for this
but when i look around
all middle aged fatties
Sweatshop indifferent
trying to jog from death
ugly and scared
lost in leisure garden
tendons about to snap
these trainers are toxic
but lively and delicious
shove your out of date
plate of meat
inside fresh
fruity beauty
its affordable foot sex
temporarily bouncy
A leather shoe
is Westminster debate
A trainer is sweaty fuck
try to not think too much
if you spend your
long beard time
then you should trot
your brittle little
donkey hooves out
survive unbranded
old and unattractive
but light and clean
irreligious moral
medal winning
London is cleansed
by smart symbols
organic meals
green bins
dream city
mountains of crap
go somewhere else
it's hard work
seeing the shows
rich dinner mincing
with plastic vanities
it doesn’t look like
black cloud cathedral
dark cinema dystopia
It's roman perfection
with bin lorry whiffs
Lexiting the pornhub
But only if you notice
the bio mechanics
of st George's
wobbly sense of self
bouncy castles
full of tat
they all knew here
American psycho
was a parody
not a bible
that hedge fund managers
wasted at earth festivals
while bleeping gold cards
in Nirvana shirt is perverse
they're uber aware
of all I’m saying
so no need to discuss
some disgusting flab
that has crashed
behind some over sized
Italianate olive tree pots
outside the gallery
Americans laugh
at the acting school
their self honours
healthy monkey troop
Trumping violently
healthy colon
favourite ghostbuster scenes
near rainbow flag
no black or white
beige or grey
poor folk here
some organic flexing
health freak says
she's not frightened
will survive
food shortages
jogs off with
purity water bottle
3 wise monkeys
sit with lattes
every 10 feet
lining the streets
like those people in westerns
net curtain twitching
not stopping the baddies
head down thumbing
bleating out
web chat
coffee froth
adverts stirred
into adverts
chewing adverts
spitting adverts
all this exhausting
info makes them
it’s liberating
organic laurels
hard won
lifted thumb
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